世界こどもハイク 第16回 世界こどもハイクコンテスト 『スポーツ』 日本大会 大賞作品講評


十段の 未知なるかべへ 走り出す


The vaulting boxes of ten tiers
a very high wall I have never seen -
I am starting to run to jump over

A firm yet cool determination to jump over the high vaulting boxes is expressed here.
It is a challenge, but it has to be overcome. I believe that he will have succeeded in jumping over the high wall.

ひまわりの たねのかずほど バットふる


As many times
as the number of sunflower seeds
I swing my bat

The author is practicing his swing. After swinging many times, the bat will feel like an extension of the batter’s arms, and he will eventually be able to hit the ball squarely. What is great about this haiku is that the author has stated that he is practicing as many times as the number of sunflower seeds, which is very concrete. One flower bears between 1,500 and 3,000 seeds; we have five of them in the picture, suggesting that the maximum can sum up to 15,000 seeds. Good luck, future Ichiro!

てとあしと こころがさきに おどりだす


Dear Fukino. you really love dancing.
Just as the music starts your heart is ready to dance and also your arms and legs.
At the same time flowers and butterflies atart dancing around you.
The bright colour of the drawing shows your so happy heart.

一呼吸 冬をすいこみ 地面ける


One deep breath
breathing in the winter
I kick the ground

A girl in a crouching start position appears at the right corner of the picture, facing to the right. Behind her, a bare tree is stands straight, and we see a thick line that may indicate clouds or wind undulating in pale blue in the back. The picture dose not tell us what the girl who is breathing in the winter air is aiming at or heading for. A tension created by both haiku and picture matches the cold winter air, and it shows the concentration of her muscles and mind at the start.

シュートして 流れるあせも 高くとぶ


Jumping to shoot tha ball
sweat flies high
from my hands and head

This is a very realistic scene. You feel as if you are viewing the game there. Highliting the sweat was very effective and gives a clear impression.

手をのばし あと1センチと 水をかく


I try to stretch my arms
one more centimeter
when propelling them in the water

He knows how to crawl faster in water. Stretching the arms when propelling them is the way. He is very successful in making us undesrstand how hard he is swimming by the phrase "one more centimeter".

よーいドン 気持ちはいつも チーターだ


シャトルラン 走って走って 新記録


Shuttle run is a physical training program of school gymnastics for the purpose of power up of the staying power of the body.
Your tightening lips show you have run around racetrack so long time and absolutely exhausted. But through “never give up spirit”, you set your own new record. Conglatulations!

てとあしと こころがさきに おどりだす


The expression “あせの玉(Ase no tama)” is really good.
To the reader, this expression precisely conveys the heat coming up from the author’s body, together with the feeling of becoming nervous.
Being surrounded by those who are playing against, the author surely is in big trouble.
But I can sense the wisdom of the author to look around calmly, and also the determination to fight through, even with no team mates left.

あわだてて 水をかきわけ ゴールまで


I could see a very clear image of the author rushing through the water energetically.
Heading straight to the goal with all one’s might, that is what made my sprit lively up.
It is also a work that makes one imagine the splendid feeling after finishing the goal.

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