JAL Scholarship 2024年 JALスカラシッププログラム 海外学生参加者募集


JALスカラシッププログラムは、毎年、アジア・オセアニアの大学・大学院生を日本に招待し、研修や文化交流を通じて日本への理解や、国境を越えた相互 理解を深めて頂き、また将来のアジア・オセアニア地域を担う若者へと育成することを目的として開催しております。このプログラムは1975年に日本航空によって創設され、1990年に発足したJAL財団がその運営を引き継ぎ、時代のニーズを反映しながら内容の充実 を図りつつ、これまでに1,683名の学生をお迎えしております。なお、その卒業生の多くが、広く世界で活躍されております。

What is JAL Scholarship Program?

The JAL Scholarship Program invites college students from across Asia and Oceania to Japan every year and provides them with opportunities for workshops and cultural interchange. Through these activities, the Program aims to enhance their understanding beyond national borders. This Program also aims to develop young men and women who w川assume future leadership role in the region. The Program was launched in 1 975 by Japan Airlines. The JAL Foundation took over the management of the Program when it was established in 1 990, and has been working to improve its content each year, in tune with the needs of the times. A total of 1,683 students overseas have participated in the Program so far, and many alumni are playing active role in the international community.

  • 日程は予定であり、変更になる場合があります。
27JUN (THU) ~ 18JUL (THU), 2024 (22days)
  • The Schedule may be subject to change.
開催テーマMain theme
"SDGs" ~Toward a Sustainable Future~
プログラム概要Program Contents
  1. オンラインプログラム:前半7日間
    • SDGsに関する基礎知識、地球環境問題の現状と解決に向けた取り組み事例を、講演を通じて学びます。
    • 先輩にあたる「2023 JALスカラシッププログラム」スカラー生から、アクションプラン進捗に関する発表を聞き、オンライン研修の振り返りと訪日旅行での目標設定を行います。
  2. リアルプログラム:後半15日間(訪日旅行期間)
    • 講演
    • フィールドワーク
    • グループ討議、アクションプラン発表
    • 参加学生、および、受け入れ家族の健康面等を考慮し、ホームステイの実施は見送ります
  1. Online program: First 7 days
    • Participant Students will learn basic knowledge about the SDGs, the current status of global environmental issues, and examples of initiatives to solve them through lectures.
    • After listening to the presentation on the progress of the Action Plan by the 2023 Scholarship program graduates, participants will review the online training and set goals for their trip to Japan.
  2. Real Program: Last 15 days (visit Japan)
    • Key Note Speech and lecture
      The participants will acquire and develop comprehensive knowledge and clear understanding of this program’s main theme, "Environment.
    • Fieldwork
      Field Work consists of visits to various facilities, joint field surveys with Japanese students, and interviews with local people. We will provide participants with chances to visit actual field site so that they can increase their awareness of Japan.
    • Group discussion, Group presentation (Action plan)
      The participants will be divided into groups mixed with Japanese students and make action plans based on their knowledge and experience gained during the program, such as online programs, lectures, fieldwork, etc. A Group Presentation (Action Plan) will be held at last part in Tokyo. The participants can organize the contents of the scholarship program by coming up with an “Action Plan”, which can lead to future activities.
    • In consideration of the health and safety of the participants and their host families, we will not conduct a homestay program.
  1. 航空券(参加者の居住地の最寄りのJAL便就航地と東京間の往復航空券)
  2. 日本国内で必要な交通費
  3. 宿泊費および食費(宿泊施設などによる提供、もしくは食事代支給)
  4. 海外旅行傷害保険(盗難、手荷物の破損・紛失、けが、病気等による入院、通院、死亡保障など)
The following expenses, not including participant's personal expenses (e.g. telephone and souvenirs), will be paid by the JAL Foundation and supporting organizations.
  1. Economy class airfare on Japan Airlines between Tokyo and the airport nearest to the participant student’s residence served by JAL.
  2. All transportation in Japan during the official program, including domestic air to cities outside Tokyo.
  3. ALL accommodations and meals (or as a per diem)
  4. Travelers’ accident insurance
応募条件Applicant requirements
  1. SDGsや環境問題に関心があること。(知識レベルは問いません)
  2. 20歳以上25歳以下であること。
  3. 各支店・事業所の所在地区の出身で、各地区の大学・大学院に在学中であること(卒業済みの方は不可)。
  4. 日本語能力検定試験2級(Japanese Proficiency Test Level-N2)以上であること。注:講義、ディスカッションを日本語で行うことから、それに耐え得る能力を有していること。
  5. ルールを遵守し、すべてのプログラムに参加するとともに、プログラムの運営に積極的に協力できること。
  6. プログラム開始前の事前課題、および終了後のレポート作成を指定された締切までに提出できること。
  7. 来日、帰国の際には、JAL財団指定の航空便を利用すること。(個人的な理由による来日・帰国時の、搭乗日、搭乗便の変更は一切認められません)。
  • 上記1~7を満たすことが難しい特別の事情がある場合は、各地域の日本航空支店へご相談ください。
  1. Have an interest in SDGs and environmental issues. (Knowledge level does not matter)
  2. Be age 20 to 25 years old when the program commences.
  3. Be a citizen of the country/region which he or she is applying for the program from and must be either an undergraduate or postgraduate student in that country/region.
  4. In principle, have a command of Japanese equivalent to or above Japanese Proficiency Test Level-N2. (All the lectures and discussions will be prepared and conducted in Japanese) Note: However, we will take into account the regional issued and regional disparity on level of students studying Japanese. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you require information or if there are any difficulties.
  5. Be able to comply with the rules, participate in all programs, and actively cooperate in the operation of the program.
  6. Be able to submit a pre-program assignment prior to the start of the program and a post-program report by the specified deadline.
  7. When coming to Japan and returning to Japan, the participants must take a flight designated by the JAL Foundation. (Any changes in the date or flight for personal reasons will not be accepted.)
  • If you have special circumstances that make it difficult to fulfill conditions above, please contact your areas Japan Airlines (JAL) office listed Inquiry.
募集についてProcess of application
「2024 JALスカラシッププログラム」では、以下の地域で日本語を学ぶ大学生・大学院生(原則として各地域1名)を募集いたします。
"2024 JAL Scholarship Program " invites university students who are studying the Japanese language in the following areas.
One student per city will be selected from the respective areas.
Areas participating in this program
South Korea, Beijing, Dalian, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Tianjin, Hong kong, Philippines, Taiwan, Ho Chi Minh City, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, India, Australia, Guam
選考プロセスSelection Process
「2024 JALスカラシッププログラム」アプリケーションフォームの自由記述欄の内容(本プログラムで学びたいこと、知りたいこと)および、面接により選考いたします。
  • 選考プロセスは各地域により異なる場合がございます。
Participants are selected by Japan Airlines (JAL) in each area referring to the text in the "free description" selection of the "2024 JAL Scholarship Program" application form and interview.
  • The selection process may differ depending on the area.
Japan Airlines branch offices
Hong Kong
Kuala Lumpur
Ho Chi Minh City
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