World Children’s Haiku The Results of the 16th World Children's Haiku Contest -- 'Sports' (in Croatia) Results
JAL Grand Prize Winner (4)

Jutarnja vježba
Svatko šalje svoju loptu
Prema suncu
Morning exercise
Everyone sends his ball
Up towards the sun
- Dinko Galik
- (Dinko Galik)
Croatia(Age12) - クロアチア(12歳)

Osmijeh sirena
Usklađeni pokreti
Vrtlog glazbe
Mermaid smiles
Movements as one
The whirl of music
- Ema Tadić
- (Ema Tadic)
Croatia(Age8) - クロアチア(8歳)

Treniram judo
Nosim kimono i pâs
More me gleda
I train judo
Wearing a kimono and a belt
Watched by the sea
- Ivo Butorović
- (Ivo Butorovic)
Croatia(Age8) - クロアチア(8歳)

Diploma na zidu
Pauk proklizava
Prerasle klizaljke
Diploma on the wall
A spider slides over
Outgrown skates
- Mia Vlahović
- (Mia Vlahovic)
Croatia(Age12) - クロアチア(12歳)
JAL Prize winner (10)
The Japanese translations are delayed due to the influence of COVID-19. Those will be posted as soon as they get ready.

Loptica leti
Moja ruka u zraku
Publika plješće
The ball flies
My hand in the air
Clapping audience
- Ana Kelečić
- (Ana Kelecic)
Croatia(Age13) - クロアチア(13歳)

Sunce na pjaci
Bacam loptu visoko
Srce je puno
Sun on the square
I throw the ball high
My heart is full
- Anabel Žuvela
- (Anabel Zuvela)
Croatia(Age8) - クロアチア(8歳)

Bicikl i ja
Kaciga, kotači
Bycicle and me
A helmet, wheels
I am speeeding!
- Franka Kolar
- (Franka Kolar)
Croatia(Age7) - クロアチア(7歳)

Zamah rukom
Prve sunčane zrake
Na vrućem pijesku
Lunge of a hand
First sunbeams
On the hot sand
- Gabrijela Arsić
- (Gabrijela Arsic)
Croatia(Age8) - クロアチア(8歳)

Lopta i ja
Sami u svemiru
A ball and I
Alone in the universe
Talking together
- Ivona Franjić
- (Ivona Franjic)
Croatia(Age13) - クロアチア(13歳)

Drvene ručke
S prvim zrakama sunca
Let u visinu
Wooden rings
With the first beams of the sun
A flight into the heights
- Laura Banić
- (Laura Banic)
Croatia(Age8) - クロアチア(8歳)

Velika mreža
Napetost na terenu
Lopta u golu
A great big net
Tension in the field
The ball in the goal
- Leon Tomaš
- (Leon Tomas)
Croatia(Age8) - クロアチア(8歳)

Ja volim balet
Izvodim ga u šumi
Sunce se divi
I love ballet
Perform it in the woods
The sun admires me
- Leona Svetina
- (Leona Svetina)
Croatia(Age8) - クロアチア(8歳)

Proljetno sunce
Rolam na hvarskoj rivi
Dok badem cvjeta
Spring sunshine
I roller skate on Hvar sea-front
While almonds bloom
- Maris Žuvela
- (Maris Zuvela)
Croatia(Age8) - クロアチア(8歳)

Pjaca u podne
Sunce viri iza branke
Svi navijaju
The main square at noon
The sun peeks behind the goalpost
Everyone cheers
- Toma Begović
- (Toma Begovic)
Croatia(Age8) - クロアチア(8歳)
- 2021年3月に、世界中の優秀作品より選ばれた俳句と絵を収めた『地球歳時記第16巻"スポーツのうた"』を出版予定です。
- "Haiku by World Children Vol.16 – Impressions of Sports" will be published in March 2021, containing the best selections from the winning haiku in the world. Each haiku will appear with both English and Japanese translations and the artwork.