Mission StatementRenewal of JAL Foundation's Mission Statement !

The JAL Foundation will contribute to the development of the next generation of global citizens through various projects in order to show and earn the appreciation of people, society and nature, and to foster a peaceful global community based on international understanding and cooperation and ensure the continual betterment of society.

Themes of JAL Foundation

  1. Contributing to the FutureNurturing Children and Youth
  2. Contributing to SocietyEnvironmental Preservation Activities
  3. Contributing to PeaceInternational Goodwill, Cultural Exchange

Profile of JAL Foundation

JAL Foundation
Foundation Date
April 16,1990
Purpose of the JAL Foundation
In order to fulfill our responsibility of leaving a richer environment for the next generation, the JAL Foundation aims to coexist with aviation and the environment and conduct projects that lead to the development of human resources who can think and act on a global scale (global citizens) to ensure the continual betterment of society.
Outline of Projects
  • Projects to promote the development and exchange of global citizens who will pass this drive to create a better future to the next generation, by such means as exchanges of knowledge with experts in Japan and overseas
  • Projects to promote international understanding and exchange such as introducing Japanese culture overseas
  • Research and studies for coexistence with aviation and the environment, and projects to realize the results of such research and studies
  • Other projects necessary to achieve the goals and objectives of the JAL Foundation
Directors, Auditors, Councilors, Supporting Members
Project Report
Office Address
2-4-11 Higashi-shinagawa, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo

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